Визит Аамира Кхана в деревню Гехалар, где жил Mountein Man Дашаратх Маджи
navbharattimes.indiatimes.com, hindustantimes.com, ndtv.com, 23-24 февраля 2014 г.
Визит Аамира Кхана в деревню Гехалар, где жил Mountein Man Дашаратх Маджи
Накануне демонстрации теле-шоу "Satyamev Jayate" сезон 2 (2 марта) Амир Кхан решил посетить деревню Гехалар в штате Бихар. Эта деревня стала известной Индии благодаря Mountein Man Дашаратх Маджи (1934 - 17 VIII 2007). Он с 1960 по 1982 гг. один в течение 22-х лет с помощью молотка, мотыги и channi (очевидно, сита) прорубал дорогу (110 м длиной, 7.6 м глубиной и 9.1 м шириной) в каменной горе. Благодаря его усилиям, путь от Атари до Вазиргандж в округе Гайя сократился с 55-ти до 15-ти км.
Амир Кхан решил начать "Satyamev Jayate", сезон 2, с этой деревни, организовал импровизированную пресс-конференцию на этой самой рукотворной дороге. Он встретился также с членами семьи Дашаратха Маджи, его сыном Бхагиратхом и с невесткой Басанти.
Они живут в Dasirathnagar Dalit tola возле Гехалар в округе Гайя, почти в 100 км от Патны, главного города штата Бихар. Оба работают поварами в начальной школе, готовят еду для детей, получают 1 тыс. рупий в месяц. Ни правительству штата, ни администрации округа нет никакого дела до их беспросветной жизни. С нетерпением ждут начала теле-шоу. (Хотя вряд ли у них дома есть телевизор - Филип).
На материале жизни Дашаратха Маджи реж. Кетан Мехта снял биографический фильм "Mountain Man" о Дашаратх Манджи, который 22 года строил дорогу длиной 360 футов, сокрушая гору. Эта идея овладела им после того, как из -за бездорожья он не мог отвезти жену Фалгуни Деви в больницу, и она умерла. Сам Дашаратх умер от рака в 2007 году. Правительство штата Бихар с почестями проводило его в последний путь, но ничего практически не сделало для улучшения условий жизни бедных жителей этой деревни.
В главной роли в этом фильме снимался Навазуддин Сиддики. Съёмки этого фильма проходили в той же самой деревне. Актёр настолько серьёзно отнёсся у этой роли, что на целый месяц отключил свой моб. телефон и даже не общался всё это время с женой. После завершения съёмок жители деревни устроили проводы актёру, назвав его аватарой Маджи. На отрицательную роль деревенского старосты (mukhiya) Кетан Мехта пригласил Тигманшу Дхулия, выпускника Национальной школы драмы.
Перевод: филип
Satyamev Jayate hero Dasrath Manjhi's family still impoverished
The media buzz over Bihar 'mountain man' Dasrath Manjhi's inspiring saga being featured in season-2 opener of Aamir Khan’s tele-series Satyamev Jayate on March 2, has brought little succour to his impoverished family.
The episode seeks to capture the indomitable spirit of Manjhi, a Dalit labourer, who wielded a chisel and hammer for 22 years in order to carve out a road through the Gehlaur hills in the Muhra block of Gaya, Bihar — a mountain that was denying his village access to better facilities.
By the time he was done, in 1982, Manjhi had created a 360 feet long and 30-feet wide road.
Yet, seven years after Manjhi's death (from cancer in 2007), conditions in the Dalit 'tola' his son Bhagirath lives in with his wife Basanti remain so challenging that there are doubts as to whether the family will even get to watch the episode. "Even if we all assemble in front of the lone TV set in Dasrathnagar, nobody can say whether the power supply to the tola will be available when the episode is telecast," Bhagirath’s son in law Mithun Manjhi told HT on Saturday.
Read: Satyamev Jayate 2 goes on air from March 2
"The family has unspoken expectations from Aamir, whose office has announced his intent to visit Dasrathnagar to dedicate the Manjhi episode to his family and the people of the tola," said Rajkumar Raju, a local social worker and journalist.
But the family, he said, continued to subsist on Rs. 1,000 each that Bhagirath and his wife draw per month from their midday meal job at the local primary school.
Rai Atul Krishna , Hindustan Times, Patna
Bihar family waits for Aamir Khan to tell its 'Mountain Man's' story
Aamir Khan's Satyamev Jayate first episode dedicated to the 'Mountain Man' Dasrath Manjhi
Gahlaur: Bhagirath Manjhi and Basanti Devi, son and daughter-in-law of a man who single-handedly carved out a road by cutting through a hill in Bihar, are living in abject poverty. They now hope actor Aamir Khan, who visited their village for his TV show 'Satyamev Jayate', will tell the world the real story of their lives.
Both Bhagirath and Basanti are disabled and live in penury at Dasrathnagar Dalit tola near Gahlaur in Gaya district, about 100 km from state capital Patna.
"I heard that a hero is coming to our village soon. We will tell him the real story of our lives full of misery," Bhagirath said in Magahi, a local dialect, in reference to Aamir Khan's proposed visit to see the road and meet the villagers.
Dasrath Manjhi had single-handedly carved out a 360 feet long, 30 feet high and 30 feet wide passage by cutting through a hill near Gahlaur with a hammer and chisel, working day and night. He died in 2007 after a battle with cancer.
The hill was between Attari and Wazirgunj blocks in Gaya district. Thanks to Manjhi, the village blocks have been brought closer. Manjhi began his uphill work when his wife was injured and he had to go around the mountains to reach the nearest hospital.
Basanti, who said she was proud to be the daughter-in-law of Dasrath - popularly known as "Mountain Man" - said she will request Aamir Khan to telecast their real story to the world.
"We have been left in the lurch, ignored by politicians and officials despite repeated assurances to help us," she said.
"We have been neglected by the state government and the district administration. No one has helped us to ensure a better life for us."
What pains her is that she and her husband beg for money for an annual ritual in memory of Dasrath.
Bhagirath and Basanti work in the village primary school as cooks for preparing the mid-day meal for children. Both of them are paid Rs.1,000 a month.
Aamir Khan reportedly said he will visit Dasrathnagar to dedicate this season's first episode of 'Satyamev Jayate' to Dasrath Manjhi. The episode, set for telecast March 2, will be dedicated to a man who made the impossible possible with his hard work and dedication.