Aamir Khan joins the debate about ineffective action plans to Save the Ganga!
india.com, 01 июля 2014 г.
Aamir Khan joins the debate about ineffective action plans to Save the Ganga!
The action plans to save the Ganga has been put to effect since a long time but all the initiated plans are going in vain. In this video, Bollywood actor Aamir Khan joins a debate about the ineffectiveness of the Save the Ganga plan.
The debate points out clearly that there is no willingness on the part of government to Save the Ganga since a long time. Even though there are innumerous plans and projects to save the Ganges but they seem ineffective. There seems to be no particular body to be tagged along with and to consider as the functioning head of the project.
Watch how Aamir helps to draw light on the dire need to save Ganga and also basic things we need to do like water harvesting and water conservation. To make things more understandable, the video shares with you a story about a dacoit who left his wrongdoing and instead helped mankind by creating a dam for his people in Chambal!
Watch video below!
** Это свежий комментарий к передаче Asar за 27.07.2012.
ABP NEWS, 27 июля 2012 г. Еженедельная вечерняя передача (по пятницам) - обсуждение Satyamev Jayate.